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From Shinnen: Emi and Atsushi have been dating for one month now, and to be able to become one with the person you like is like a miracle. The feeling of happiness is overwhelming, but apparently, there is an unforgettable person for Atsushi. What should a person do in order to make his attention turn to one's self? An earnest love graffiti. Other stories: Shin Sekai Iroha ni Hoheto Omoware, Omou

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From Shinnen: Emi and Atsushi have been dating for one month now, and to be able to become one with the person you like is like a miracle. The feeling of happiness is overwhelming, but apparently, there is an unforgettable person for Atsushi. What should a person do in order to make his attention turn to one's self? An earnest love graffiti. Other stories: Shin Sekai Iroha ni Hoheto Omoware, Omou