Shoujo Nemu

Plot: Based on a script by the author of Old Boy and brought to life by the late manga genius Hirosuke Kizaki, Shoujo Nemu tells the moving story of Nemu, a young girl who dreams of becoming a manga artist. Even though people couldn't tell because of her shyness, Nemu possesses extraordinary talent, but it's not until her encounter with Goro, a veteran manga artist plagued with self-doubt, that she begins to realize the true nature of her passion. What follows is an unusual friendship that ends up changing both their lives.


Shoujo Nemu
Original Completed

Shoujo Nemu

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Shoujo Nemu
Original Completed

Shoujo Nemu

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Kizaki Hirosuke


Plot: Based on a script by the author of Old Boy and brought to life by the late manga genius Hirosuke Kizaki, Shoujo Nemu tells the moving story of Nemu, a young girl who dreams of becoming a manga artist. Even though people couldn't tell because of her shyness, Nemu possesses extraordinary talent, but it's not until her encounter with Goro, a veteran manga artist plagued with self-doubt, that she begins to realize the true nature of her passion. What follows is an unusual friendship that ends up changing both their lives.
